Thursday, February 5, 2009

Payton's Creation

This morning when I got out of the shower Payton wanted me to come look at his Dino. I was kind of nervous and I had good reason
to be. He had taken the marker out of my drawer and drew this lovely picture of his Dino. He has been missing him like crazy so of course I couldn't get made. It was too cute! Luckily it was a dry-erase marker and came right off.


Emily said...

Oh man. Gotta love this stage. I can't tell you how many pictures I have removed from the walls. Don't we love the busy little guys?

Tiffany said...

Braylea did that once. I was so upset and she told me that she was just trying to draw the Nephities. What could I say? At least she was listening in primary.

Jennie said...

That is Did you get it to come off? Well I created a blog page but not quit sure how to use it. Talk to you later.